
Monday, July 19, 2010

The Herbal Husband's Structure in the Garden!

Sticks and strings are a staple in our garden.  You see if you have forgotten I live with an architect so we don't have drooping plants.  Anywhere!
 The main path in the back garden is getting smaller and smaller.  Maybe I won't have to mow it soon!  And sometimes you can hardly see the sticks and strings.  They are keeping my pineapple mint from lounging around and getting in the way.

This was hidden from view without the sticks and strings!  A beautiful variegated sage and a couple of thymes!  Don't forget to use some sticks and strings to give your plants lift and structure in the garden.


  1. wow,your garden looks amazing! You'll be needing ropes pretty soon.

  2. Lovely idea - that Herbal Husband is the McGyver of the herb plant world!

  3. I hope no ropes. The string drives me nuts as it is, LH!

    I'll tell him you called him McGyver, TG.

    Thanks for stopping by ladies!

  4. So true! So glad to hear from you again! You're wonderful!!! I love pineapple mint...ahhh the smell. I have to buy some of that! ;)Alyssa

  5. Sorry I have been frazzled in the heat, Alyssa! Hope Will is enjoying his summer!

  6. Glad you like it and thanks for stopping by, Thea!

  7. Great looking variegated sage and your bay tree is spectacular!

    Re-rod is my own husband's choice to putter with...his time at the welding bench is like our time in the garden!

  8. Thanks, TO! The Herbal Husband was busy yesterday while I was shopping! More sticks and strings! He knows about his story and he is just showing off now!

  9. Pinapple mint!! oh, I need to go out and FIND my pinapple mint.... it is out there.... just have not seen it in a while, no strings and sticks here - can you tell?

  10. Hope you find your pineapple mint, Mimi. I have some drying in the basement for tea. Love your blog! Going to add it to my favorites list and watch the magic happen!


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Lemon Verbena Lady