
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Intoxicating Evening Smell!

The night blooming jasmine is blooming at the moment.  Last night it was 85 degrees at 11 o'clock.  The neighbors' sons were having a fire.  I don't understand that.  The fragrance of the jasmine was almost canceling out the smell of the fire!  Almost!  My presentation will be inside tomorrow, not outside!  Thank goodness!  Hope you are staying cool wherever you may be!  Talk to you later.


  1. OH I think we are about the same with temps. If you are dry like we are a fire isn't a good thing! Norm got moved today!

  2. Sounds wonderful - I don't think I've ever smelled this!

  3. Good for Norm, Peggy! Sending positive energy your way! Yes, I don't know what to do about the fires! This is the first one they have had for a while, but now in the heat! I just don't understand it! Hope everything continues to go well for Norm!

    Bernideen, it is a fabulous plant. Hope you get a chance to smell it some day!

    Thanks for stopping by, ladies.

  4. Your jasmine sounds heavenly - do you have it potted up or does it winter over for you outside? I know it would not here in the North. Wondering if its size would prohibit bringing it indoors??

    Sending cool thoughts your way - I just couldn't deal with triple digits like the east coast is experiencing.

  5. We do have it in a pot! It is big, but we do cut it back when it comes in and it bounces back every year! We aren't having triple digit temps, but close to it! Tomorrow it ends! Thanks for the cool thoughts!


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Lemon Verbena Lady