
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Multitude of Swallowtails!

We have had a multitude of swallowtail butterflies this summer.  This was one on the butterfly bush.  Today we spotted our first monarch.  Hopefully, I'll get a photo of one of them in the coming days!  It is humid but not sunny at the moment.  I thought I would make some basil jelly, but The Herbal Husband mentioned that the apples are falling from the tree so I think it might be apple pie time!  Well, whatever I may be making, I hope you have had a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. I have had a lot of butterfly activity in my gardens too. The heat makes it uncomfortable to stand around and wait for one to light so I'll have no pics.

    Yummy apple pie sounds so good.

  2. We seem to have a few more butterflies than normal too. And yes I have apple on the ground too so I must get out there and gather before the critters get them all.
    Applesauce, apple butter and pie filling coming up soon.

  3. Well, ladies, I made a couple of rounds of cinnamon basil jelly instead of the pie! The pie will happen soon! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I've had quite a few more flutterbys this year too, I think in response to the many, many butterfly bushes that we rescued and planted!

    Your flowers are gorgeous. Do you have any of the gold-colored blooms? I had never seen them before & we ended up with 3 of them in our group.

    Have a lovely week!

  5. Hi Jules, They aren't hardy for us here in the 'Burgh. We did have one briefly and we got cold, wet and icy and it died! We have a lot of volunteers where I do not want them as usual. But The Herbal Husband does do a lot in the garden so I let some slide. I hope you have a wonderful week as well.

  6. Thanks Intuitive Goddess for stopping by my garden!


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Lemon Verbena Lady