
Friday, August 6, 2010

While I Waited

for The Herbal Husband at the doctor's office, I read Llewellyn's 2010 Herbal Almanac.  There was an article about growing herbs for the bees.  From dandelions, horehound, borage, rosemary, sage, lavender, thyme, hyssop, fennel, oregano and marjoram, these are some of the bees' favorites.  I found out something that I didn't realize.  A favorite herb of mine Helichrysum italicum or curry plant is an herb that repels bees.  The author, Suzanne Ress also talked about feverfew blossoms being a problem as well.  She also discussed about the artemisias that don't necessarily bloom, like tarragon, wormwood, southernwood and mugwort leaves being a repellent.  So not all herbs are bee magnets.  Hopefully, this is information that you can use when you are planting your herb garden next year.  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.   


  1. I had no idea! Feverfew is one of my favorites of the last couple of years, too.

  2. Actually my herb planting will be in 4-5 weeks. Fall planting of the pernninals works best here.

    Have you ever planted foengreek? I have gotten hooked on a cheese with this herb in it.

  3. I was surprised as well, Daricia. I love the daisy like flowers of feverfew. So I was disappointed that bees don't like it!

    No, I haven't planted fenugreek. I have never seen the plant and I would have to plant seed, but I read that the seeds are used in pickling brines and marinades. I love cheese and herbs. I may have to try growing it, Mimi. Thanks for the information.

    Thanks ladies for stopping by

  4. No wonder our bees are all over the thyme! Very interesting as I am always on the look out for things for our honeybees.

  5. Thyme is a favorite for the bees in my herb garden. Thanks for stopping by Ulrike!

  6. Very interesting. I'll have to save this one for next year for sure. We are seriously considering a bee hive for next year.

  7. Good for you with the bee hive, Carol! Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Wow, I never knew that about my feverfew - of course, now that I think about it I don't recall ever seeing any of the little guys buzzing around it.

    That is great info on the 'worts too. Maybe I'll plant a non-bee section next year so they won't be repelled by anything near their favorites..

    Be sure to check out my blog award post, you are one of my favorite places to visit :)



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Lemon Verbena Lady