
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Four and One-Half Cups Exactly!

The Herbal Husband is always asking how much of an herb do you need for a recipe of jelly.  I need one cup and a half for most recipes.  What is that though?  Until you strip the leaves from the stems, you have no idea how much of an herb it will take to make one recipe.  Well, this pile of lemon basil is three recipes exactly!  It will never happen again.  Tomorrow I'll cut the rest of the cinnamon basil.  It is starting to get cool at night and basil doesn't like it in the 40's!  Hope you enjoyed your day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. So how do you keep your basil once you harvest it? Also, do you know anything about saffron? Mine is blooming, but I want to know when I can dig them up as eventually grass is going to be planted where they are and I want to move them.

  2. Hi Peggy, The lemon basil I harvested today I made into jelly. Sweet basil I sometimes make into pesto and freeze it in ice cube trays and just have cubes to put into stews or soups. I'll give you my pesto recipe tomorrow. It is very easy and delicious.

    Here are a couple of websites about saffron.

    It looks like you can transplant them after the foliage fades. Hope this is helpful to you, Peggy. I'll give you the pesto recipe tomorrow. Thanks as always for stopping by. Nancy

  3. Love the fall harvesting of the herbs and the making of pesto. I'd think the cinnamon and lemon basil would make good jelly.

  4. Can you also share you recipe for the herbal jelly The one I tried called for 4 cups of chopped herbs and it never did set up. Even after that I still have a ton of cinnamon basil left and lemon basil and lime basil.

  5. I would love the pesto recipe too. Yummy!

  6. Ok, ok, ladies. Your wishes are my command.


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Lemon Verbena Lady