
Monday, September 27, 2010

My Mistake Was. . .

Ok, Becca from A Southern Garden by Becca for your birthday, I am going to teach you how to make up a page for your blog.  I was making the mistake of going to Design and clicking on Add Gadget and then adding a page that way.  Maybe you can do it that way, but I found an easier way.  You simply go like you would to do a New Post and just under Settings it says "Edit Pages".  You click that and then it gives you a big blue button that says "New Page".  Click on that and it looks just like when you do a post for your blog.  You can add links and pictures just like in a post.  You can do all kinds of pages, but you can only do ten for the time being.  Hope this has been clear.  If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them.  See if my directions help you.  I think you can figure it out.  If not, maybe a trip to Alabama would help!  You all have to go and wish Becca a very happy birthday, because it's tomorrow!  Happy Birthday, Becca!  May you have many more! 


  1. I discovered your blog tonight and want to thank you for the info on making pages. I've only had my blog about a month and still have a lot to learn I think this info will be very useful!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Sharon! Hope to give you some other useful information along the way! I have joined your blog. Your corgis are so adorable!

  3. Hi Nancy,
    It's been a while. I've had a busy summer. I love your new pages and especially the recipes and can't wait to try them. Hope all is well with you.

  4. Hi Kay, Glad you stopped by! I will try to add to favorite recipes from time to time. So keep checking! xx Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady