
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Never Too Much Tarragon!

A pile of tarragon for use in jelly and vinegar
Spent the afternoon making three recipes of white grape tarragon jelly.  I think it turned out well.  I will share the recipe if I like the end result.  I saw the combination in the Emelie Tolley and Chris Mead book, The Herbal Pantry.  I made up the recipe.  The photo of the book is below.  I did have a bunch of tarragon left and just put it in a sterilized quart jar and filled the jar with white wine vinegar.  Will check it in about two weeks or so.  I learned from Jim Long's Making Herb Vinegars booklet this past weekend that it is better to put vinegar in a cupboard and not on a windowsill in the sun.  Hope you have had a great day wherever you may be!  Talk to you later!


  1. I am going to order that book on Amazon now! I never know what to do with tarragon! You are fabulous!!

  2. Thanks! I hope you like it. I have made a lot of the recipes in it! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Thanks for sharing the book. I will keep a eye out for it when shopping!

  4. Looking forward to giving this jelly a try - I certainly have enough tarragon to supply all of Northern Wisconsin! Home in a couple of days - we always check the gardens first!
    Also spotted your Top Herb Blog of 2010 Award...congratulations and well deserved! I am learning so much in following you.

    Pat, on the road in North Dakota

  5. It's a good one Missy. Hope you like it!

    Thanks Pat for the kind words. I promise I will share the recipe with you after I try it. I don't like to give it out until I'm satisfied with it. Have a safe trip home! Nancy

  6. Oh cool! I have some in my garden and now I know what I'm going to do. Thanks, Nancy!

  7. That sounds delicious! I love tarragon and never seem to use it as much as I'd like.

    I did try my hand at some basil jelly and hot pepper jelly last week. I'm getting more adventurous.

  8. The Herbal Pantry has a great hot pepper jelly recipe! Thanks for stopping Jules!


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Lemon Verbena Lady