
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

One of My Favorites This Time of Year and the Bees Too!

I have written about this flower before.  It is a Rudbeckia herbstsonne.  The bees are happily enjoying it now.  It is at least eight feet tall and gives quite a presence in the garden.  Will be talking about my trip again.  Thought my Herb Companion post would be up, but they are getting ready to come east to the Mother Earth News Fair at Seven Springs over the weekend.  I'm going to be meeting KC Compton, Editor in Chief of The Herb Companion magazine and Jim Long, a long time favorite herbal author of mine!  Got to run.  Decanting vinegar and making some new.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. How wonderful you will be meeting Jim Long. Ive always loved to read his stuff. :)

  2. Yeah, seanymph, it's very exciting! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I love these flowers. Wish I had a plant for my garden. They look like a cone flower. Are they one? Nancy, you should see all the lavender I have just ripe for the picking in my garden and I'm not going to use it. I wish I could give it to someone.

  4. No Julie, this is in the black eyed Susan family. You may be able to order it from a catalog out your way. Gee, a florist might be able to use your lavender or someone who does craft fairs may be able to use it to make sachets to sell! It would be a shame to let it go to waste. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. oh..i have a big pot of these by my kitchen door right now with my scarecrow and cornstalks from my garden tied to my lamp post...

    happy to see you at farmhouse, my friend

    Happy First Day of Fall.

    kary and teddy

  6. Your long awaited favorite time! Thanks as always for stopping by Kary and little Teddy! xx Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady