
Monday, October 4, 2010

A Basement Full of Scent!

Well, that's a tiny exaggeration, but the rose and peppermint scented geraniums have grown by leaps and bounds this season!  It is ridiculous how large they have become.  We need to move them into the garage now that the heat has been turned on!  They do much better in the unheated garage with south facing windows. It has been cool and wet today.  Hope you have had a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. Nancy dear,

    I've tried a couple of times to post, but get "Error 503" whatever that means.

    We loved every minute in London ESPECIALLY the Chelsea Physic Garden. I thought of you.

    Love from a cooooold cottage in Maine,


  2. I get the Error 503 as well. I don't understand it either! Yes, the Chelsea Physic Garden is a magical place, Sharon. I'll blog about it in the coming days! It is a pristine garden! I'm just amazed every time I'm there! My English Herbal Companion it as well! xxoo Nancy

  3. It should say My English Herbal Companion loved it as well! My fingers aren't keeping up with my thoughts! It's cold here as well! Nancy

  4. I can see the velvet in the leaves from here! I love the peppermint geraniums. BTW - my CheepRoom blog was all messed up, had to lose all the gadgets on the side. There does seem to be something happening in the Blogger world...

  5. Hi Nancy,
    I love scented geraniums and grow many. They do very well here year round. They do grow very large here. I generally cut them back about now so that I get a nice fresh look for the late winter. They still bloom for me even in the winter as we rarely get below 40.


  6. Always enjoy the fresh scents of geraniums - bet your garage smells great!
    BTW - finally caught up on all our mail & have had some time to read the book you sent on Rosemary - so informative & very timely! Just brought my pots in for the winter...
    Thank you so much for such a nice giveaway. Also received the Richters catalog and am now on their mailing list...2011 is going to be so much fun!
    Have a good week and stay warm.

  7. Blogger was cranky the last couple of days, TG! Hope you are doing OK!

    You live in a beautiful part of the country to be an herb gardener, Carla!

    Glad you got the Rosemary booklet. I love that one and I love Richters catalog as well. I am going to get there some day soon!

    Thanks as always for stopping by ladies!

  8. Such a lovely garden! I am not a gardener but my son and I are determined to have herbs. Just beginning our raised beds...we'll see... C

  9. Actually these three scented geraniums are in pots! They have been in these pots for two or maybe even three seasons! Start over small and then grow! Everyone gets very enthusiastic and then it gets overgrown and you don't succeed! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Hi Ximena, Thanks for stopping by! We need to find some geraniums for your garden. A hug from me to you. Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady