
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Brother Cadfael from Me to You!

Brother Cadfael is still blooming in the garden.  Wish we had smellorama on Blogger.  I was going to say smellovision.  Didn't make much sense!  Somebody work on that, will you?  We have been cool and rainy.  Finally the sun is out!  We will be dry for several days!  Whoo hoo!  Still working on the basement project.  Coming up with some projects to show you for the holidays.  Stay tuned.  Hope you are having a great day.  I was out with my friend Bonnie for lunch.  Always good to be with girlfriends!  Talk to you later.


  1. Being with the girls always seems to lift the spirit. Beautiful bloom. I put in an order for smellorama so we'll see. tehehe

  2. I don't have a Brother Cadfael rose but I have a lot of roses, all with fragrance. My Maggie is blooming great guns - and well she should as this is probably her last fall by the mail box. She grows up a crepe myrtle and is about 10-12 feet tall. She is a thug and will be cut to the ground in Feb.

    I like fragrance in roses, but then I did herbs before I started roses. All herbs smell GREAT. I love watching people at the nursery shopping. If they take there fingers and rub the leaves and then smell, they are Herbalist!!

  3. I wish Blogger could figure something out Becca.

    Maybe I should try to invent smellorama, Carol!

    Maggie sounds better than a thug, but I will take your word for it, Mimi. Herbs are the best plants, aren't they?

    Thanks for stopping by, ladies!

  4. Lovely, so lovely even without smellorama!

    I also had the entire day with quilting buddies - long overdue and great fun to catch up with everyone...actually came home and did some quilting this evening...back to the gardens tomorrow though...what a mess!
    Have a great Friday.

  5. I have drifted away from my x-stitch. Hopefully, I will get back to it this winter. Thanks for stopping by, TO!


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Lemon Verbena Lady