
Monday, November 1, 2010

One Lone Calendula!

Well, maybe not alone!  I have to check it out tomorrow.  We did have an end to the peppers, tomatoes, beans, last night.  We were at 28 and will be again tonight.  Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is really one of the very last flowers in my garden.  They hang in there!  Last year my Thanksgiving bouquet had a calendula in it.  Remember calendulas were considered the poor man's saffron in the past.  Once you have calendulas planted, you should continue to see them multiple.  They can always be tamed by pulling them out.  I have even move them to a better location if I don't like where they are coming up.  Oooh, I forgot I spotted a coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) out in the front garden.  I'll share that with you tomorrow.  Hope you had a great day.  I was trying to get my warmer clothes in the attic today.  It was a mess, but I'm donating a lot of clothes because I'm smaller.  Always a good thing.  Talk to you tomorrow.


  1. We had a heavy frost last night, but I don't think it killed anything. I have 2 Johnny Jump Ups blooming!

  2. Poor man's Saffron? Do tell me more!

  3. Most of everything is gone here too... I have sage and rosemary that were not affected by the frost and that's about it. I'll try and get those gathered in today and everything else mulched real well and then the garden can go to sleep.

  4. We had frost on a lot of those herbs this morning, Carol! The beginning of the end! Thanks for stopping by.


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Lemon Verbena Lady