
Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Tangled Lemon Verbena Mess and A Note to Leslie!

Well, this is the mess on my worktable as of yesterday.  By this morning, I had the majority of dried material (Couldn't tell what some herbs were!) put in containers.  I labeled everything and dated it.  Sooo after I have a road trip tomorrow up to the Village Herb Shop, we'll get started on the artemisia tree.  Leslie from Comfrey Cottages I just wanted to tell you that I have dried some lemon balm and it worked!  I think I was drying lemon balm that had flowered so it had no flavor left, I think! Duh!!!  Off to see Morning Glory!  Talk to you later.


  1. You do like the Village Herb Shop don't you. We may need to get over there before the holidays. We are going down to 27 tonight, so I'll bring my rosemary in.

  2. well i am so glad to hear this sweet Nancy:) I couldn't understand why yours wasn't retaining its scent and flavor as mine did consistently. Yes, try to harvest before flowering for best herbal constituents still being fresh and present. and wait a couple of days after a rain. the plants need a few days to build back up after a rain bath! lol hugs to you dearxx

  3. Well that explains why some of mine is good and some not so good.

  4. Yes, Peggy, I do love the Village Herb Shop. Hopefully, we can meet up some day soon.

    Yes, Leslie, after multiple tries, I have so much lemon balm, I'm sure I won't use it all! xx and a hug!

    Yes, Carol, finally got the secret!

    Thanks for stopping by, ladies!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady