
Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Surprise Indoor Herbal Visitor!

Not the greatest photo, but  the surprise indoor herbal visitor is pineapple sage!  The Herbal Husband got a cutting of pineapple sage rooted and it is thriving in the southern living room window!  It is in between Rober's Lemon Rose scented geraniums.  They all can get white fly inside.  So we have to watch out!  Hope you are having a great day.  Off to make some tea bags for The Herbal Husband.   Talk to you later.


  1. I love Pineapple sage when it blooms. Hope yours does in time. As for aphids, I read that an Amish woman used coke (beverage) in some form to remove white flies from roses. It was a fiction piece, but I'm sure it had merit- Judith

  2. whoot whoot for wintertime pineapple sage! that' great:) stay warm and cozy dear friend xx

  3. What a nice surprise. When spring comes you will have a jump in the garden with a bigger plant.

  4. A Christmas miracle!! How lovely!!

  5. That is cool! So far my rosemary is doing well and so is my sage in a pot!

  6. That will be so nice in the spring....I wish I had done more of that this fall.

  7. Just say prayers ladies! Hopefully, it will make it through the winter coming! We may have to move it to the garage. Thanks for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady