
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

We Weren't Even Supposed to See This!

We weren't supposed to see this last night.  Pittsburgh is known for its gray cloudy days in the winter.   Sooo when the lunar eclipse was last night and the winter solstice, it was too much for The Herbal Husband.  I took the top photo of the full moon earlier in the evening.  At 3 something AM is when the second shot was taken by a sleepy Herbal Husband.  You might have to click on the bottom photo to get a better view.  The Herbal Husband said it was freezing but impressive!  Wasn't quite as good as Tufa Girl's photo.  You have to stop by!  It is stunning!  We are actually having one of those rare sunny days today!  Hope you are warm and enjoying getting ready for the holidays.  Talk to you later!


  1. Well your Dh was wonderful to get that photo!
    Was too cloudy here in New Zealand, meant to be summer here - but we were all in winter wollies hoping to have a glimpse.

    Keep warm!

    Love Leanne

  2. Beautiful shots....I slept thru it all.

  3. I am glad you enjoyed the photo. I tried to get something during the darkest part but my "tripod" was not good enough. The HH got a great shot of it though. In the 80's here and sunny - not really Christmas-ish weather. I should not complain too much as we had snow this time last year (abnormal, also).

  4. Too cloudy in New Zealand. I think there is something wrong with that sentence, Leeanne!

    I slept through it as well, Carol. Glad he didn't wake me up!

    Gosh, TG, that is a prize winning shot! Very impressive!

    Hope all of you have a wonderful holiday!

  5. thanks for the kind words Nancy...

    wishing you a very Merry Christmas, my sweet friend

    kary and teddy


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