
Monday, January 24, 2011

A Favorite Pastime in London!

Piccadilly Circus-The Times Square of London

Looking down from my seat on a Double Decker Bus!
One of My Favorite Streets in London-Piccadilly

A Slightly Crazy Gentleman on a Bicycle Riding in Front of the Bus!
You Can Rent a Bicycle in London!
I have gotten pretty good at finding my way around London on my own.  I really enjoy getting on a double decker bus and getting the front seat upstairs and just going to the end of the line.  Even at night I go.  London is beautiful in the daytime and at night.  I need to tell you about that fourth photo is of a slightly crazy gentleman who had his briefcase hanging on the handlebars and he was well dressed.  I didn't get a photo because I was shocked at what happened.  He stayed out in front of the bus and as we were going through Green Park, he made a hand gesture to make a right turn and go under the street through a tunnel!  The bus stopped, fortunately, and let him go!  I have seen guys on roller blades hanging on to the back of a bus at night!  You see it all in London!  They have just started renting bikes in London!  I'm not that crazy.  The Herbal Husband wanted to rent bikes in Paris!  Crazy!  Not doing that any time soon!  Another cold day in the 'Burgh!  I must say we are really pleased that the Steelers won last night and are on their way to the Super Bowl!  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later! 


  1. Love the London pics! Somehow I don't see myself jumping on a bicycle to tour a new city either.:) I'd end up touring their emergency medical care system instead.

  2. Yes, Carol, you and I have the same feeling about it! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Your pictures are so clear and beautiful.

    I cannot believe that man on the bike. Here in TN, some crazy driver with one hand on the wheel, the other holding a cell phone while somehow applying make up and smoking a cigarette would run the poor thing down.

  4. Thanks Mina! The same thing is happening in SW PA. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Thanks for the tour and descriptions of what you have seen there! really cool:) I am past the bike riding stage also! lol My brother talked me into biking uptown last year and I made him stop at the ice cream shop to reward myself and get some strength back! lol xx

  6. That's what would happen to me as well, but there is no reward like that around here, CC! Thanks for your comment. xx


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