
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

First BIG (not) Snow of the Season!

A few photos from our snowstorm the last two days!  We had about an inch and a half or 2" on the ground already and the total is 7-1/2".  So we got an additional 5-1/2" on the ground.  Oh, that fuzzy math!  Remember I married my math man!  I may be still in shock because at the doctor's yesterday I discovered I'm only 5'6".  Always thought I was 5'8".  Where did that 2 inches go?  That fuzzy math coming into play.  Hope you are staying warm and cozy or cool and hydrated wherever you may be!  I'm doing an additional post today on aloe vera.  Coming shortly!  Stay tuned!  The quote of the day is from Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal:

"Winter is a time of rest for all.  The roots and seeds for next year's greening
up time are now dormant revitalizing themselves to spring up
when the seasons change.  We're doing the same...
--  Billy Joe Tatum

Talk to you soon.


  1. I've heard that we begin to shrink a little when we get a little older. I'll be back to check out your post on Aloe Vera. Miracle Plant.

  2. I think I've been on a cloud about my height, Becca! Thanks for stopping back!

  3. That looks like a lot of snow. Do doctors still check heights? I guess I have not been in awhile. I bet it is a gravity thing.

  4. No, I'm just getting old and short, TG! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Ah we had 4" on the ground and ended up with well over a foot! I will need to shovel a path in the back so I can get to the feeders tomorrow.

  6. It was that light fluffy stuff which I love to shovel. Hope yours was the same! Thanks for stopping by, Peggy!

  7. Wow! You are really seeing some snow this season. The photos are just beautiful.

    I know how you feel. I though I was 5'4 for years and found out I am 5'2 and a half. Surely we are not already shrinking. ;-)

  8. Glad you like the snow. You need to see the photos of February, 2010. They were BIG snows! I'm just in utter shock about my height, Mina! I need to keep losing weight now that I found out I'm shorter! Yikes! Thanks dear for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady