
Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Natural Thermometer!

When the rhodies leaves are rolled up like cigars!  Look out!  It is FREEZING!  I think I did a post like this last year or the year before.  It was the coldest night last night.  Some of you are below zero at this moment.  We were at 4 degrees or a little less.  That is very cold for us.  Our cat a/k/a Kitty was back this morning and I got a photo of it.  I think it was under The Herbal Husband's car waiting for the birds to be fed!  We think it lives under our neighbor's shed, but it is near our house at times when The Herbal Husband comes out at night.   I guess hoping to sneak inside!  Well, I hope you are staying warm or cool wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. From the picture, the kitty looks to be pretty healthy, hope it is.

  2. I can't get close enough to be sure, but it is getting fed by some of the neighbors, Ginny. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Our huge rhody is what I look at to tell how cold it actually is! You are so right, that's when you know that it's too cold outside. When the plants say the heck with this, you know you should too. ;)Alyssa

  4. Hi Alyssa, Have to get over and look at those killer chocolate chip cookies that I can't eat anymore! Stay warm xx Nancy

  5. Cool thermometer! What a sweet kitty!

  6. It really works, Mina! Well, don't know whether it's sweet or not. It won't let me get near, but I'm allergic anyway! Thanks for stopping. xx Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady