
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow and Chicken on the Plate!

Looks like the snow we are getting outside.  It is really mashed potatoes and cauliflower.  We got a new grocery store and I'll in love with it!  I now make excuses to go there!  Really the Herbal Husband asked if there were maps and I said yes, but I just love to wander around looking at all the new brands!  It is so pleasant.  Yes, I know my life gets sadder by the day!  They even are selling beer which I don't care about, but I know lots of people are happy.  You see we have state stores that control our liquor and beer distributors that control beer.  So if you want a six pack, you have to go to a bar until now.  Hopefully, not too easy for kids to get it!

The rest of the plate has cornflake crumb chicken, one of the Herbal Husband's favorites.  Got the recipe for the chicken on the back of the Cornflake Crumb box.  It figures I have all of these fancy cookbooks and what do I need the recipe on the box!  The recipe uses parts of the chicken.  I used boneless and skinless chicken.  There is a 1/2 cup of evaporated milk and seasoned salt (I used my favorite chicken mix from The Village Herb Shop.)  and 2 T. of melted butter and 1 cup or so of cornflake crumbs.  I use a sheet of waxed paper and put the crumbs on it and then pitch the paper when done.  You mix the seasoning with the cornflake crumbs on the paper.  Then soak the chicken in the milk and then cover the chicken with seasoned cornflake crumbs and then place in a ovenproof dish and pour the melted butter over the chicken.  Bake in a 350 degree oven uncovered for 45 minutes to an hour, depending on how much chicken you are fixing.  The Herbal Husband likes it cooked fresh.  So I cut one piece in two giving him the bigger piece and then refrigerate the rest in a Tupperware container for later.  It is very easy and delicious.

Getting thin on posts these days.  Will continue to get you travel photos from my September trip and maybe scan a few in from previous trips.  Got to get to work on my gardening class for a local community college!  Not for college kids, but for avid gardeners.  Hope you are staying warm or cool wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. Looks and sounds good. We're getting snow also.

  2. It's coming down fast and furiously, Peggy! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I always love a new grocery store too! Interesting how your state arranges liquor sales. Reminds me of Virginia where I grew up - we had to go to ABC stores (Alcohol Beverage Control) and they were only open certain hours and days. It was such a culture shock moving to Wisconsin where there is a tavern or liquor store on every corner...and a huge reason why we have one of the highest rates of alcoholism in the nation, sad to say.

    Keep those England pictures coming...and enjoy your Steelers game!!!

  4. Getting my guest blog ready for The Herb Companion, TO. So more England photos to come! I never enjoy a Steelers game unless we are way ahead! They have been nail biters recently! Thanks for stopping by as always!


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Lemon Verbena Lady