
Friday, February 4, 2011

I Don't Think This is Too Good-Herbally Speaking!

If you remember at the end of last year, we got this new container for my 'Linear Leaf' thyme.  Now I'm not so sure this is a good thing.  In fact once I get this posted, I'm going outside and remove the snow and try to siphon off the water and ice that has collected!
Well, I got the block of snow off, but there is a frozen layer of ice that I couldn't chip through.  I started to, but the plant was getting damaged!   Yikes!  Just hoping that it gets warm enough to thaw the container!
Been playing with the Herb Garden Planner feature at The Herb Companion magazine website.  I'm recreating the overabundance of garlic chives and angelica and thinking about how to make it more herby!  More over the top herby if that can possibly happen!  Hope you are out from under your snow and cold!  It is a bright sunny day again here.  Will post a photo of my herbal rescue later on!  From Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal: 
Alone in distant woods or fields, on a cheerless day like this,
I come to myself...I wish to know something; I wish to be
made better.
- Thoreau   1857


  1. Hi,
    I hope the rescue operation will succeed.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Well, you can take a look ME. Hope you have a great weekend as well!

  3. Thanks for the FYI about the Herb Garden Planner - guess what I will be doing tomorrow!! I really need to explore that as I am thinking about some redoing.

    Hoping the ice didn't damage your plant - guess that is one good thing about having a lot of snow cover as insulation. We always worry if we get really cold temperatures and not enough snow...we had frozen holding tank pipes a few years ago - but that is a story for another time!

  4. Oh, so sorry to hear about your container freezing up. Poor thyme. Love the photo of you holding the delicate herb encased within the snow/ice.

  5. Uh oh, that looks bad! Hope it was okay! Gotta love the winter...Alyssa

  6. The Herb Garden Planner becomes addicting, TO! Snow can be a good thing for the plants in the winter. Yikes a frozen holding tank pipes don't sound good!

    I hope it makes it Mina. We are going to get a little warmer early this week above freezing! Hope you are staying warm.

    Yes, Alyssa, hope it isn't too bad! I do love winter still! I'm a four seasons kind of girl!

    Thanks for stopping by ladies!

  7. Hi dear,

    So, you're finally seeing the soil?? It is under there and loving the blanket of snow.

    Oh Nancy, I don't know how to admit this, but my linear leaf...RIP. I will call my friend with an herb nursery and try to get more. I am also ranging for lovage, angelica, a few other things I need for the courtyard.

    Sending love to my pal and boy oh boy-love our jelly!


  8. It's OK Sharon about the linear leaf. I may lose mine from drowning! Wish I could give you some angelica. I'm swimming in it! Sending love back and glad you are enjoying your jelly! Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady