
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Our Garden Angel!

You can see Mary, our garden angel after being covered for a good bit of the winter season.  She is holding a bowl of sedum and red flowered thyme.  She is saying that the Steelers are going to beat the Packers today!  Go Steelers!  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  From Don't Throw in the Trowel by Texas Bix Bender:

Reading garden catalogs in the winter is like having cocktails
in the evening:  after one or two, your big plants begin to look feasible.

Go Steelers!  Talk to you later.  Congratulations to the Green Bay Packers!


  1. I love your little garden angel. She is sweet. We have motley crew of pigs, owls and frogs!

    Those Stillers broke my heart last night. :( I think I'll cheer myself up with a gingerbread latte!

  2. Nancy - that was a well played game on both sides...I thought Ben was awfully hard on himself at the post-game interview. Both teams played fair and have great respect for each other...what a sporting event should be.

    More snow and cold up here this week - might be heading your way???

    Herbally - have you ever tried growing Herkules dill? (Hope that spelling is right)

  3. Hi Penny, Yes, it wasn't the outcome we had hoped for! They just were flat as a pancake and made too many mistakes to win and then when the offense got going, the defense was nowhere to be found! It was pretty dismal! Gingerbread latte sounds pretty good!

    Hi TO, I think the Steelers were just too uneven last night to win. We didn't see any of the interviews. Big Ben is a real survivor, but the motorcycle accident really changed his playing. He is really erratic on his best day. The last best game they played was against Cleveland near the end of the regular season. Since then, they have played one half of the game or the other, not a complete game. I think if there hadn't been two weeks between the last playoff game and the Super Bowl, we may have won. That takes nothing away from how the Packers played. They did what they needed to do to win! Congrats!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady