
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Just Had to Let You Know!

We finally found a company to cut back our ivy that is growing up on our roof and in the gutters!  Of course, it is not cheap, but at least we have found someone to do it!  We have gotten several estimates, but no one has come back to do the job!  At least we didn't pay any money or lose any!  They are also going to take out some trees and trim some bushes as well!  Yippee!  What a relief!  Hope you had a great day!  Will show you what we are getting in tomorrow's post tomorrow!  Ha!  That's a tongue twister!  Talk to you later.


  1. I bet you are excited! The ivy looks lovely but I know it's a pain when it gets out of control.
    We actually had warm beautiful weather today so I got to work outside! It was great...tomorrow I probably won't be able to move but today was fun :)

  2. You sound like us here. We're having a section of our basement floor resealed due to mold creeping in, then when that's done we'll have the ducts cleaned out. We've always put work into the outside as the inside didn't need anything when we moved in 9 years ago.

  3. I know how that is Carol! I'm just itching to get outside. We need to do some things before they come at the end of next week and I will be sore I know!

    We have just let A LOT of things go, Peggy! We are on a roll now so I want to keep The Herbal Husband focused!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  4. Too bad we are a bit of a distance apart. My sweetie and I are experts in yard clean-up and tree trimming. Maybe next time.

  5. I can read your excitement about getting this ivy taken care of. Glad you found someone to do it.

    Happy Gardening and Happy Spring,


  6. Wish we were closer as well, TG!

    Yes, FlowerLady so very exciting and we have an exciting project going on as we speak that I'll share later in the day!

  7. Your ivy does look beautiful but I know it gets carried away. Mine had to be pulled from a huge tree. Happy spring!


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Lemon Verbena Lady