
Sunday, March 20, 2011

My First Herbal Flower! Happy Spring!

Well, spring is here, here's my first herbal flower, the humble dandelion!  If you are allergic to latex, don't eat the flower.  However, besides the latex issue, the flowers and greens are delicious as long as you aren't spraying your lawn with chemicals.  Worked in the garden this afternoon.  It was a wonderful day!  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be.  I'll show you more tomorrow.  Talk to you later.


  1. Love the daughters favorite flower. I worked outside yesterday too and it felt so good!

  2. Happy Spring LVL! I know you are ready for it after all that late snow. We were pounded with rain last night but I see blue skies now. Hoping the spring will stick around now for good.
    Have a beautiful day!

  3. I learn so much here... contains latex - very good to know.

  4. I wasn't as sore as usual, Carol! In better shape.

    Not out of the woods yet, Carla! Snow Thursday morning!

    Always trying to get the herbal word out, TG!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  5. Oh my goodness! That was my first herbal flower this year as well. Small world, huh? ;-)

  6. I didn't know about the latex issue.
    here in autumn I'm gearing up to harvest the root.


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady