
Monday, April 18, 2011

Maybe Surrender, But Staying Ahead Is Better!

I have limited photos on my new computer and so many stories to share.  One of my limited photos relates to Sharon Lovejoy who spoke of surrender this morning.  I do have some of the same surrender issues as Sharon.  I don't have photos to prove it, but I do have the same issues.  I think my theme will be staying ahead, herbally speaking.

The Herbal Husband said he was going to fertilize the roses!  It struck terror in my herbal heart.  I have this unknown rose that is supposed to be an Alfred de Dalmas at the back corner of my herb garden  It also has garlic chives tangled at its base!  Yikes, I thought once it is fertilized maybe a new cultivar, GIANT garlic chives!  It is not a good thing as Martha would say!  So here is an empty space, Sharon, but I think it is better than GIANT garlic chives!  I am going to try to stay ahead if possible.   When they start to coming back under this plant, I will try to be there to get them out.  The Herbal Husband is planting them in other parts of the garden!  They will be everywhere whether I want them or not.  I also found a dwarf chive plant.
I want to do a more detailed post on chives.  Here is a dwarf one that would be excellent in a container on a southern facing windowsill for winter consumption.  A little late for this year, but we are still having temperatures in the 30's!  Some are still having snow!  Yikes!  Still trying to get used to my keyboard.  I'm hitting all kinds of keys other than the ones I want.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Pray for me.  I take my car in for service tomorrow!  Talk to you later.


  1. New computers can be both exciting and terrifying. I know it will soon fit like an old glove. When LH used my this weekend she noted on the thousands of photos I have on my hard drive. I need to be more organized but like you my main interests lie elsewhere.

  2. Glad you survived your weekend, TG! Can't wait to see your adventures!

  3. "The Menace of the Giant Garlic Chives" could be a horror movie :) Hope all is well in your garden, and when you take your car in. I am still upbeat from Palm Sunday and all the children waving palm fronds and singing hosanna.

  4. Ooh, that sounds like a good one, Terra! I hope it doesn't come true! That is a very joyful service. Happy Easter, dear Terra!

  5. Now, Now! He's only trying to be helpful :-). It sounds like you had a busy weekend. I hope you have another great day. Blessings...Mary

  6. I hope all goes well with the car. A few weeks ago when I backed out I took the side mirror with me, so had to take the car in and get it fixed. Now I'm having to hire men to do man's work in the basement. I think we are about done with that.

  7. You crack me up LVL.

    Terra's comment is hilarious too.

    I worked out in the garden this A.M. and it was FUN. No conflicts, but then I am not plagued by the same garlic chives.

    Nancy, I once had a fabulous curly chive. Have you seen it? I used to sell them in my nursery at Heart's Ease, but I haven't seen them for years. Darn it, I would love to have some.

    Good luck with your car!


  8. hi nancy...happy to see you at Farmhouse Kitchen, my friend

    i haven't blogged in busy gardening and cooking...

    but i am happy to see your garden here today....

    sending love,
    kary and little teddy

  9. Thanks for your calming words, Mary.

    I just hate to have to fix cars, Peggy! It is just something that I really dislike. My car is at that "Oh my" stage of its life. It's 11 now and anything wrong is a lot of money. Hope your basement repairs go well.

    Hi Sharon, Glad you are laughing. So am I, really! Yes, Terra's comment made me laugh. I do have curly chives lurking under the lavender on the left and to the right of Mary the statue. They are very attractive. Our other transfer (the linear leaf thyme)didn't go too well. You may find them at Well-Sweep Herb Farm in New Jersey and they have mail order. They can ship to have them arrive when you get to Maine!

    Hi Kary, I was just making the rounds because I haven't been around in a very long time. Seeing a new post from October Farm made me think of you and dear little Teddy.

    I really am having a great day, Becca.

    Thanks to all of you for stopping by and making my day brighter!

  10. LVL, I am surrendering in my loft garden. The neighbors "want chickens", and "want a pizza oven", and "want" somemore, but nobody "wants" to do anything 'cause they live in a rental. This includes picking up their trash or their things that blow over. I "want" more participation before I give much more.

  11. Oh this hits home and so very funny!! My herbal husband LOL also likes moving stuff around all over the place...surprise!! I do wish I could grow Chives here in Texas as well as you. I have one that has been hangin in there for a couple years. I think it gets to hot to soon. Lots like the same senario again this year.

    I finally got Lemon Verbena this year!!! YaY!! Have you seen the Almond Verbena? Wonder if it would cross?

    xxooxx Pammy

  12. I know the feeling of "car repair anxiety" I absolutely hate taking mine in for always seems to end up being so much more than what was the original problem.
    Also chuckling at the image of "Giant Garlic Chives" a B-Movie title for sure :)

  13. Too bad, TG! You get the true version of the neighbors and it isn't always good and neighborly! You are doing the right thing, but it's sad that they want but don't want to help with the work or the finances! Well, maybe when you don't do anything, the workers and the money will appear.

    Hi Pammy, I forget that people from all over the country are reading my blog. Hope your chives do well in the heat. We did have hotter and dryer than normal last year and I think my chives didn't do as well as other years! Thanks for reminding me. I hate to admit this but I think my indoor lemon verbena did not make it and the one outdoor one that has come back in the ground has died this year as well! Will just have to start over! xxoo Nancy

    Waiting for the call Carol. Just hate it. Know it will be a lot of money this time! A B Movie in the works! Who would have guessed!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  14. P.S. to Pammy, I have not heard of almond verbena. I'm going to Google it later! I'll let you know what I think.

  15. I just Googled almond verbena (Aloysia virgata), Pammy. I would have one in a heartbeat if I didn't live in the north. Looks like a beautiful plant! Thanks for the possible mail order some day!

  16. Yes, I think it is on the wish list ;) A local garden friend just begun to grow it. I really hope she has success...I shall pinch a piece ;)

  17. Always a good idea, Pammy. We have gotten some really delicious fig trees that way! Again, The Herbal Husband's idea not mine!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady