
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Two Hours and Fifteen Minutes Later!

Our computer monitor is slowly failing and it's torture to see and pick photos on it!  Yikes, when it rains it pours.  I have a new laptop making its way from California!  Hurry, hurry!  Here are the first large daffodils before we had snow one night.  My talk went very well yesterday, but I talked for the whole two hours and fifteen minutes!  The poor audience didn't get a break.  I had too much to say about Herb Gardening 101!  Sometimes when I practice my talk too much then I speed through it!  Yesterday I had to speed through it to get done!  I think most people were pleased!  So I wanted to let you see my award from master gardening.  The photos are so dark I can't pick the best one at the moment.  You'll just have to wait a little longer.  Happy to be back blogging!  Talk to you later.


  1. Hope you get that computer issue taken care of. It's a bummer being without a computer. Mine at home bit the dust last year and I haven't replaced it yet. I'm looking at a laptop.

  2. Hard to look at photos when they are in the dark, Becca! Thanks for coming by!

  3. Oh, so good to hear from you again! Your Daffodils are gorgeous and I can't wait to see pics of your award. How wonderful to be awarded by Master Gardening.

  4. I would be happy to sit through your talk - no matter the length. I am certain those folks learned many things as I have learned through your blog postings.

  5. Great to see you back and I am with the others - it would be such a treat to hear one of your herbal presentations!

    Sending some sunshine your way - we actually have a lot to share! Your daffodils are beautiful - mine are just poking out of the ground...up about 4"'s a start!

  6. Hi dear Nancy,

    I was in the same boat for over a week. First the hard drive went and then the screen went blank just the day I got it back. YIKES, I've been out of the loop, but had to catch up with you.

    Sending love and a shower of flowers,


  7. Oh how I hate computer issues! Glad to have you back though we've missed you!

  8. Thanks TG! Maybe we can figure out a way to do podcasts or something!

    Thanks TO! We did have sunshine today thanks to you! Rain tomorrow! A roller coaster ride in April!

    Thanks Sharon! I'll be over to you soon! Trying to conserve my abilities! Always some thing! My love to you as well! xxoo Nancy

    I missed you as well, Carol! Thanks for stopping by ladies! Just got my new computer today and won't be working from it until next week, but it is exciting.


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady