
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Time for An Herbal Timeout!

Well, ladies and gentlemen of the herbal world, it's time for one of my famous herbal timeouts!  I just can't blog while I'm away!  The Herbal Husband jams our time with so many adventures which is good and bad.  I usually need a vacation from my vacation.  Going out west and will be back before you know it with lots of herbal and other adventures.  Talk amongst yourselves!  Bye for now!


  1. OUT WEST????? Are you coming any where near me????


    S (woe be to you if you are close, but don't stop by)

  2. You are so funny girl. Have a good time. Good for Herbal Husband to surprise you.

  3. Have a wonderful time!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady