
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Was Hoping To Do A Longer Post!

Just for your entertainment!  We were without the internet and our land line phone today!  It was really quiet except for The Herbal Husband's cursing in Spanish.  Remember I know all of those bad words!  Just when we were about to cut our service (Wasn't it already cut?), the technician showed up to repair us.  He didn't want to come in because of the Keep Out sign!  All he had to get in contact with us was our home phone!  All it was was a little reset!  Yikes!  OK, enough about the problems here.  All is back to normal or as normal as it gets around here!  After we got back from vacation I found Kitty under the car trying to keep cool.  Fortunately, it has cooled down around here.  Hope you had a good day.   I'll be back blogging about our fabulous vacation tomorrow or the next day.  It's Friday already!  Time is flying.  Talk to you later.


  1. It's been a crazy week here too. We went from sweater weather to 90° in one day and it take s me a bit to adjust to that. Today is supposed to be 100° so I'll be inside most of the day...making strawberry jam :)

  2. Sounds delish, Carol! Our strawberries are just now ripening! I don't think enough to do jam.:( Lucky you.


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Lemon Verbena Lady