
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Three Batteries and Almost 2 GB of Photos Later!

Well, I have one eye open and the other is closing fast!  It's one o'clock plus in the morning Paris time and it's just barely past 7 o'clock here in the 'Burgh!  The weather has been dry and hot here, but the garden is surprising lush and beautiful.  We must have gotten some rain at some time during our time away!  Glad to be home.  Had a great vacation!  Survived driving in the south of France!  Saw a chicken lay an egg!  Got to see some beautiful gardens and was always able to find a lemon verbena! Will share the trip with you over the coming days. 


  1. Welcome Back!!! You have been mussed!!!!

  2. Welcome home! Looking forward to hearing your adventures...if you got to Provence and walked through lavender fields, I will be beside myself with envy!!

    Have missed your posts!

  3. No way! I could have come along to carry your bags.... I can hardly wait to see ALL the photos!

  4. Thanks ladies. Looking forward to sharing my adventures!


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Lemon Verbena Lady