
Monday, August 8, 2011

The Egg, My Favorite Dutch Herb and The Special Gift!

Rooster and Possibly the Chicken That Laid the Egg!

One of These Eggs is the One I Saw Laid!

My Favorite Dutch Herb, Basil!

Dragonfly on Rudbeckia

I have so many stories to tell you of our fabulous vacation.  We only had a few short days in The Netherlands and I got to see and experience so much including a chicken laying an egg!

Our Dutch hosts keep chickens and one rooster.  I was relaxing on the back patio when one chicken came up to the corner of the garage and fluffed her feathers out and squatted down and laid an egg!  It is one of the two in the second photo above.  Can you believe it!  It was amazing.

Then that cutie in the third photo is my favorite Dutch herb named Basil.  He is quite a character and for his age still a puppy!  He even tried to be a lap dog the same day the chicken laid the egg!  You see where I'm going with this!  The final photo is of my new garden ornament Dragonfly on Rudbeckia by Marjolein Bastin.  You see Marjolein Bastin lived in the same city as our Dutch hosts do and at one time our host did her accounting work for her.  I decided to put it in my herb garden surrounded by my favorite, lemon verbena.  I'll post a better photo of it later.  Well, there are more adventures to come.  I seem to be moving at a snail's pace, but I don't have much to report in the garden at the moment!  I have a couple more Dutch stories to tell.  Hope you had a great day. We are supposed to have rain tomorrow.  Maybe we'll order our new garage door and back door.  Really need new ones.  Talk to you later.


  1. Love hearing about your travels!
    Marjolein's cards among my very favorite. Her artwork appeals to the gardener and nature lover in all of us.

    So sorry to hear you have no peas this summer! This has been one of the most difficult growing seasons ever in our neck of the woods - I am happy to get whatever comes my way from the raised beds.

  2. Thanks TO. Yes, love her cards as well. Yes, it was a tough year because we didn't plant anything! HA! Thanks as always for stopping by!

  3. I too enjoy reading of your travels, it was funny on this post you wrote as i had a problem with two things you spoke of, very odd indeed. My friend accidentally stepped on my sweet chickens leg and now she is splinted up and most annoyed. Then I took my motorcycle out for a ride and got whacked in the face by a dragonfly.

    My garden in this KY heat is looking a bit worn, the only herb that is proliferating greatly is the lemon mint.

  4. Oooh, that's sort of spooky, Corinne! The heat has broken here. Hope so for you. Thanks for your comments!


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Lemon Verbena Lady