
Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Visit to Middachten

A Castle Still Owned and Lived in by Generations of the Same Family!

A Beautiful Setting
Even a Moat with Koi!

A Storks' Nest on the Chimney!

A View to the Garden

The Rose Garden

One of The Herbal Husband's Favorites, A Fig Tree!
One of My Favorites Growing Beneath the Fig, Nasturtiums!

Part of the Perennial Border

A Boxwood Hedged Garden
Our Dutch hosts treated us royally!  Middachten is a beautiful castle and gardens.  It has remained in the same family for generations and has never been sold.  It is still lived in today.  It was first mentioned in the history books in 1190 because of its defenses and it was destroyed in the late 1690's.  Once rebuilt around 1698, the gardens were also redesigned in the style of Versailles and in the late 18th century, the English garden was added.  It had a lovely herb garden and I will be sharing that part of the visit on The Herb Companion blog next week.  Hope you are having a great day.  It's off to see One Day with Anne Hathaway later today.  Will let you know how it is.  I did see The Help and liked it, but thought it could have been shorter.  It just dragged a little for me.  Talk to you later.


  1. Beautiful Castle... so glad I"m not in charge of cleaning it :) The gardens are lovely and I would be thrilled to wonder through it .

  2. It was a beautiful place, Carol and I agree I would hate to clean it! I bet they have someone or maybe two or three! Thanks as always for stopping by!

  3. Beautiful castle and garden - awesome it is still in the family.
    Totally loved peeking.

    Love Leanne

  4. Thanks Leanne for stopping and commenting! xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady