
Saturday, August 13, 2011

We Do Have Figs!

The brown fig is usually the last one to give in a season.  This season our green figs lost their leaves when they spent July in the garage.  Do you blame them?  The brown fig held on to its figs and it has started to produce.  You can tell they are ready when the ants are rummaging the fruit.  We have been having them in our morning fruit salad.  Delish!  Got another day of weeding in the garden today.  Tomorrow looks like the laundry may get down because the rain is going to move in.  Hope you have had a great day wherever you may be.  Had to get more storage for my photos for this blog.  Changing my banner photo tomorrow.  Have a changing of the guard to talk about.  Stay tuned.  Talk to you later.


  1. I am very very jealous! I had one fig on my tree, and it shriveled up and died! :^(

  2. I can't decide between a Celeste or a Brown Turkey fig. One is better for fresh eating, one is better for preserving. Not that I know what to do with either one. Maybe I should just get one of each. Will wait until next spring, though.

  3. Sorry about your fig, Penny! We hate when that happens. Sometimes we have very early figs that never mature. Being away really finished our season early. I think we had over 100 plus figs between three trees last season! It was a great year!

    You would have had a great season with all of the heat you had, Carol. Put it on the list for next year!

    You too, TG! Everyone needs at least one fig. They are so wonderful fresh!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady