
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Flowers That Can't Tell Time!

My four o'clocks were blooming around 10 o'clock today!  They never seem to know when they are supposed to bloom.  Maybe it is because they have a little Latin in them.  Oh, that means they would be later!  I do not know why these are early and I don't really care because they are beautiful.  Always happy to see some late bloomers in the garden.  Will share more tomorrow.  Talk to you later.


  1. With all the rain you all have had lately I am certain the four o'clocks are very confused - but happy to see the sun.

  2. We had almost an inch the other night alone, TG! Wish we could send it your way!

  3. Very pretty! We're having great weather in the UK. Felt like mid-summer today. Ros x

  4. Hi Ros, I loved September last year in the UK. One of my favorite times of the year there. Thanks for coming by, dear. xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady