
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Speaking of

Sunflowers!  I wanted to show you my volunteers.  Sometimes they are the best and since we haven't been around much to plant seeds, the birds have done it for us.  Thank you birdies! They are an edible flower as well.  You can cook the new flower buds like an artichoke, but then you wouldn't have flowers!  You can also sprinkle the petals into your salads.  Works for me!  Strange day today.  It's muggy and we had heavy rain this morning and now the sun is out.  Maybe I can get my walk in after all!  Talk to you later.


  1. Ahhh...Sunflowers are my favorite and I have volunteers all over my yard too. I'll have to add some petals to our next salad and watch the husband frown at them and pick around them :)

  2. I have to tell you my first words out my mouth when your blog opened...."oh my!!!!"...the yard is lovely.

    I love sunflowers - not a favorite of husband so I'll have to bounce over and enjoy seeing yours.

    Love your photos - thanks for sharing

  3. Thanks TG. Always like those extras in the garden.

    Always entertaining for us, isn't it, Carol! Fortunately I have trained The Herbal Husband!

    LDK, happy to see you stop by. Always glad when someone new finds my blog and they enjoy what they see. I'll stop by soon.

    Thanks ladies for stopping by as always

  4. We get volunteer sunflowers also where I live in Utah. I didn't know you can eat the petals. Very interesting. What's the flavor like? By the way-we have a hit this year with blackberries. The raspberries are a dud but the blackberries....oh my!

  5. Hi Julie, I'm late responding to you. They are bitter in flavor so more for looks than taste. We should be out picking raspberries as we speak, but the game is keeping us in as terrible as it is going for the Steelers!


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Lemon Verbena Lady