
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Christmas Decorations in the Stores Before Halloween and Now This!

As you can see by my banner photo, we have snow before Halloween!  This is a back garden photo.  I remember one year not too long ago, we had snow on Halloween.  Sooo all I can hope for is that it changes to rain soon and gets the heck out of here!  I love snow don't miss quote me.  I just love it once the trees have lost their leaves!  This is not all that pretty and will be bad for the plants as well.  Hope your day has been snow free.  Talk to you later.


  1. Oh my gosh! That happened to us a few years ago. We've had rain and now a light frost, but nothing "serious"...Peggy

  2. Lucky you, Peggy! Hope this goes away quickly. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I heard the East coast was getting dumped on. Thankdfully we have only had frost and a small amount of rain.

  4. Well, the snow is gone, Carol, but not the cold. Glad you didn't get any snow!

  5. Your herbs are so beautiful. It's too soon for snow. Just between us, it's too soon for Christmas decorations too. Think Spring...

  6. Thanks Carol. Doesn't it drive you nuts to see the Christmas decorations in the stores already! Yes, think Spring!


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Lemon Verbena Lady