
Monday, October 10, 2011

Looks Messy, but Really Delicious!

I'm still doing my own cooking (The Herbal Husband comes home tomorrow!).  Because I have GERD, I have to watch what I eat.  I do love my seafood.  This is salmon (wild caught) with a tiny bit of onion and a small sliced fennel bulb (supposedly good for GERD) and fronds, a bit of butter and about a 1/4 cup of orange juice.  I placed it in a piece of foil and cooked it in a 450 degree oven for 15 to 20 minutes!  It was tasty!  The asparagus recipe is in my new post for The Herb Companion and hopefully, will be posted in the next day or so.  I only will say that sage leaves cooked in butter!  Delish!  I ate most of the sage leaves before I could get a photo!  Ooops!  Our stretch of beautiful weather is coming to an end.  The Herbal Husband comes home from Florida tomorrow and we get our exterior doors on Wednesday.  So a doors post will be in the offing!  Hope you had a great day!  Talk to you later.


  1. Wish you were closer! We have a freezer full of salmon caught when in Prince William Sound, Valdez, AK. It was vacuumed packed with a commercial unit and is keeping beautifully. We try to have a meal a week but the box isn't getting smaller!

    Yes, I think our own lovely weather is winding down too...but will take anything that doesn't have that white fluffy stuff or ice in it.

  2. Salmon should be my middle name, TO. I was separating the slivers of fish and tasting them separately! It was so so good!

    It was wonderful, Peggy!

    Thanks for stopping by, ladies!

  3. Looks wonderful. I am like a deer in the headlights when cooking salmon. Need to jump in and try it. I like to order salmon when we eat out..

    BTW - thanks so much for the link to your Zen Jelly recipe. The links make it look like it was a wonderful informative event.

  4. Thanks TG! Salmon is very easy. Glad you liked the Jelly handouts! Thanks for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady