
Monday, October 17, 2011

A Sad Tomato Crop for The Herbal Husband and Herbal Transfers!

Between the deer and the cooler weather, the tomato crop was a disaster this year.  Well, we weren't able to plant plants when it was a good time.  Then we went away and couldn't water or take care of them.  So these plants were purchased at the end of July!  So I guess it's a miracle of sorts that we got anything at all.  With my GERD, tomatoes have fallen from favor with me.  I have them in small doses.  Gone are the days to have a big plate of spaghetti and tomato sauce!  Boo hoo!  The Herbal Husband did bring the survivors inside and wrapped them up in paper.  One is turning and the others have remained steadfastly green.  Maybe fried green tomatoes for The Herbal Husband!

It is still windy here, but dry.  We are going to try to bring the garden inside!  Ha!  A small joke!  However, we were discussing the plants we couldn't leave outside and that list is growing by leaps and bounds.  It happens every year, the rosemarys, the lavenders, the scented geraniums, the lemon verbenas.  You see an s on the end of all of those plants names.  That means there are at least two coming in!   WOW!  Test the master gardener abilities! Hope you are having a great day.  We are going to be busy around here for the next couple of days!  Talk to you later.


  1. I hear you! Our tomato harvest this year was terrible...but there are late season green tomatoes grown on a "volunteer" plant next to our chicken coop. Might fry those up whole like little poppers!

    Enjoy the shifting season...and your jungle of wintering plants indoors!

    Amber (Pixie's Pocket)

  2. Our plants were brought in about 2 weeks ago and the weather has turned more Fall-like with colder nights. Still mild though in comparison.

    Did you grow all heirloom tomatoes? I tried them this summer (22 plants) & with our roller coaster weather, had a ton of them but none were good keepers making it necessary to get them into freezer bags or eat quickly. Thinking I will return to more standard types next year.

  3. I grow heirlooms every yar and usully have a ton of tomatoes for canning , eating and all the sauce I can cook up....thid year was a diaster! We barley had any tomatoes at all, no canning and only one small batch of sauce :( Bring my tender plants in this week too and praying for a better summer next year.

  4. We grew what was left on the plant at the garden center TO. I think they were mostly heirlooms. We usually have pretty good success. Our favorite is Early Girl and she's a hybrid, isn't she?

    I'm trying to get the Herbal Husband to not grow as many tomatoes so I don't have as much canning! Hope we do have a better year next year, Carol. I know I will be here more of the time next year. Not away as much!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  5. We've had the wettest year on record. I know it was one of the hottest, but we could have done without all the rain. I have GERD also and it limits my things to eat.

  6. We had wet in streaks, Peggy! GERD is OK when you can find out what your problem foods are! It can be depressing some days!

  7. In spite of the weather and the travels, things look very green in your photos. Had trouble with what I thought was GERD but turned out just part of my sinus draining troubles. I enjoy the outdoors too much to give up on the allergies so I am doomed to a different pill for each season. And drinking lots of water.

  8. I have sinus problems as well TG. It sometimes goes hand and hand with GERD! It's always something! Thanks for stopping by as always!

  9. For GERD,

    Mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 2 tablespoons of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother) in a tall glass (will bubble up) containing a cup of water. You can gradually increase the amount to as much as 2 tablespoons of baking soda as you become accustomed to it.
    Add honey to this mixture for taste or if you have cancer. The honey delivers the baking soda to the cancer that loves sugar and then the soda destroys the cancer cells. (Google “baking soda cure” for more info)

    The malic acid of the vinegar becomes a malate when baking soda has neutralized it. The pH is close to pH 7.35, which is equivalent to the pH of your blood.
    The alkalinity will add oxygen to your body.

    Take this formula 2-3 times a day preferably on an empty stomach. It can be used after eating if reflux symptoms are severe.
    Use for 5 days and stop for 2 and repeat.

  10. You need a greenhouse!!!

    My tomatoes bad too.




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Lemon Verbena Lady