
Sunday, October 2, 2011

This Is Ready to Come Inside!

This sweet lavender (Lavandula heterophylla) is not hardy for us.  Gardeners in the deep south or far west and south (like Zone 9 and south) are lucky enough to put this in the ground.  I would not use the flowers from this in cooking.  I would only use Lavandula angustifolia varieties, such as 'Hidcote' or 'Munstead' as long as it says angustifolia on the tag.

The only lavender outside the angustifolia variety of lavender would be one called 'Provence' in the Lavendula x intermedia varieties.  It is mostly hardy for us.  I was in love with it and during one cold wet winter several years ago, I lost 8 plants.  It was devastating!  This sweet lavender because of its size will either be in the garage (my favorite place for herbs) or the basement.  It may not have enough light in the basement and that becomes the real issue for herbs in the house, light.  The tag along plant is a nicotiana that seeded somehow.  I don't know how The Herbal Husband does it sometimes!  Those Peruvian tricks!  Well, the air is very brisk here and we are really wet!  We have a closed low that just keeps spinning around.  My grass is like a field and the weeds that I haven't gotten to weed are going to be great Halloween decorations!  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!  Hope you are having a great day in autumn.  Talk to you later.


  1. Nancy - was reading about your lavender & it reminded me there is still one tender French lavender potted up that needs to be brought in...just one more thing to thank you for! Because of your wonderful sharing of information I now own a Flowering Night Jasmine...brought it in the house a couple of days ago & tonight wondered what that lovely fragrance was coming from the sun has burst into bloom!
    My salad burnet is happy in the herb garden and looks so healthy too. You wisely told me to get it out of its pot and into the ground! There is also a sizeable bowl of dried lemon verbena leaves to play with. Things I have never tried or struggled with in the past and so many tips from you - thank you, thank you!!

  2. You are so welcome, TO! Herbs are very inspiring plants to work with!

  3. I am at awe of your skill keeping all those herbs happy inside all winter. I only bring in the least hardy tropicals and boy do they look tortured by the time spring comes. I try to plant the lavenders "high and dry". Most winters they don't make it thru murky January. Sounds like a dry winter for us this year- so the lavender will be happy.

  4. Well, they look tortured as well, TG and some don't make it. They will be tested soon because The Herbal Husband will be in Florida and I will be taking care of the kids here! Can I wish for an almost snow less winter!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady