
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Herbal Tea for the Holidays!

I am making a conscious effort to make more herbal gifts this year.  I was looking at my pile of containers filled with herbs and thinking I need to make something from the herbs I have.   When you have a lot, it is easier to make something.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  I'm always looking for tea on a cold winter's day and since it is the first day of winter, it's in the 50's!  Ridiculous.

OK, the photo above is measuring out the herbs.  The tea blend I made is of lemon balm, lemon verbena and spearmint.  I found it in an Savoring Summer Iced Teas from The Herb Companion by Maggie Oster and click on winning iced tea combinations, you will see different combinations.  I thought this one would be good hot as well.   It is two parts lemon balm, one part lemon verbena and one part spearmint.  So what you ask is a part?  My definition of a part is any measurement you want it to be.  In my case, I made a part, a cup.  So the recipe becomes 2 cups of lemon balm, 1 cup of lemon verbena and 1 cup of spearmint.  If you only have a teaspoon or so, a part would be a teaspoon size measure.

I combined all of the leaves into one container and took some scissors and snipped through the leaves.  You can do this as you are putting them into the main container.  I thoroughly mixed all of the herbs together and then put two teaspoons into my make your own tea bags from Nichols Garden Nursery out in Oregon.  The directions just calls for one teaspoon, but I was generous and used two teaspoons and the bag seems to last for at least a couple of cups.  Even if I crush the bag before brewing the first cup, it seems to be better for the second cup.  I thought it was good hot, but you may enjoy it cold as well.  That is how it is meant to be served.

Finally got a wreath up on our new door, but of course, there is controversy about which wreath to put there!  I'll show you in an upcoming post.  Winter solstice is upon us and it's in the 50's!  Just weird!  Hope you're having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. Your tea blend sounds delicious, and is good for one too.

    It is definitely too warm for Christmas. It is supposed to be around 80 for us down here in s.e. FL. We have the a.c. on already.

    Love and hugs to you ~ FlowerLady

  2. Hope you can make some herbal tea and enjoy it cold! Maggie Oster has some other good choices in that article. I'll share them with you in future posts. The country is being turned on its ear again! Yes, I couldn't be without cold for Christmas, but we are going to be in the 40's and no snow for Christmas. Doesn't seem right, does it! Love and Hugs back to you dear FlowerLady!

  3. Had some of that great tea you sent me tonight! It's fantastic!!! I made it in my new 2 cup teapot that is hand thrown pottery....I scored it at the local charity store for a whopping 99 cents!!!!

  4. Hey honey, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. First, for being you, second for being so giving, third for being so talented, fourth for not forgetting Jeff's faux pas.

    I received a wonderful gift today and Jeff was just about jumping up and down. We had company here and they were jealous. LOVE IT ALL. Love the little container of rose hip potpourri too, but those jars of crystalline jelly just send me over the edge. So very lovely and so very appreciated.

    Sending love, love,

    Sharon & Jeff (have a GREAT HOLIDAY)

  5. So glad you like the tea Carol! 99 cent teapot! I need to shop where you do!

    Glad the package arrived safely dear Sharon! Wish we were closer, but the post office does do a good job during the holidays!

    Merry Christmas to Carol and hubby and Sharon and Jeff! xxoo Nancy

  6. The blending sounds wonderful! Merry Christmas!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady