
Saturday, January 28, 2012

I Think I'm Back in Business!

I was going to talk about this bottle today, but as usual I got sidetracked!  I googled a general question and found that changing the template got the text back for one person.  So I tried it and it seems to work.  I'm just happy to have text and photos together again.  I may be playing around with this template because I'm not all together happy with it.  I think Blogger is trying to get us to switch to those wild templates they introduced last year!  Thanks for your support as always.


  1. Wow I am so sorry you had such troubles, Nancy! Darn it! Glad you are back in business!!xx

  2. You might check to see if your typeface color is same as your background. It can be seen when you highlight the text but it's invisible otherwise. (THe internet version of disappearing ink. Heh.)

  3. Glad to see that your everything looks back in order! Scary for awhile there!

  4. Looking forward to hearing more about that interesting bottle of Bay Rum...happy text and photos are a family again!

  5. Wishing blogger would get their business together...they try to improve things, and sometimes make it more difficult. Glad you are back up and running. It is always a learning curve here in blogland.

  6. Thanks ladies for your support and advice. It was just a draining and frustrating day yesterday. Back on track again! xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady