
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Look What Came in the Mail!

This is from Urban Farmer Seeds from Indianapolis, Indiana.  I'm getting their e-mail newsletter and they had an offer I couldn't pass up the other day.  A $10 coupon!  So I got a herb seed starting kit for basil.  We have very low light here in the winter.  Worse than most places.  So I will start these sometime in early to mid April so they will be growing by mid-May or so.  What I love about Urban Farmer is that they make all (or most) of their seed packets from magazine pages and the plant marker is from recycled material.  They are having a seed sale so check it out.  Maybe another problem for Sharon Lovejoy!  Just saying!  We did have snow.  Didn't get a photo posted or maybe I should do it now.  See how dark it gets here.  We have the lights on a lot during a 'Burgh winter.  It's gone already so don't feel bad.  We had a day in the 40's and it rained.  So bye, bye snow!  Well, hope you are having a great day or night.  Talk to you later.


  1. Yes - that's very creative! also, I love your winter covered garden above!

  2. Oh Basil, a sure sign that spring will be here before you know it. I will check out Urban Farmer Seeds. Thanks for the link.

  3. Hee, hee, hee, Sharon! Glad to see you are back to your wonderful self! xxoo Nancy

    Snow is gone already Bernideen. I'll take a photo tomorrow before the rain hits on Thursday. It was 61 degrees yesterday!

    Good that I have given you a new source, Carla.

    Thanks ladies as always for stopping by!

  4. I love the pictures of the snow-covered garden!

  5. Not snow-covered any longer, Jen. Have to get out and take some more photos. Hope you are staying warm in Iowa. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Seeing your great photos but no text other than Urban Farmer Seeds under one of the pictures.

    Keep wondering if Blogger just decides from week to week which blog they can manage to put a jinx on...mine was like that a few weeks ago.

    Hang in there...

    Pat in snowy northern Wisconsin

  7. Hey Pat, it's a mess! I guess it's my turn for the mess! Keep your fingers crossed it gets fixed!


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Lemon Verbena Lady