
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Going to Get Down to Herbal Business!

Well, I can't believe where the time has gone.  We are about a month from spring.  That's the good news.  The bad news is I'm no closer to coming up with a new design for my herb garden.  I'm thinking of doing small vignettes around the established lavenders.  Have I said that already?  It feels like I'm repeating myself.  Since I wrote about Shakespeare's herbs and flowers, I may add a few more of those herbs and flowers in.  The front bed that has sage may be redesigned once again to try once again to make a small knot garden.  I'm a perennial optimist about it!

The Herbal Husband will be off to Peru at the beginning of March and so I will have a bit of time to try to remove some of the hangers on herbally and otherwise speaking.  My two prime targets are the garlic chives right by St. Fiacre (some times fiasco) and a couple of clumps of ornamental grasses.  I also have to mow down the ornamental grasses before they really start growing.  Well, wherever you may be if you have planning of any kind, you should be working on it because the next month will go fast!  We'll be behind before you know it!  Seems some years I'm always trying to catch up!


  1. The weather outside has been so nice lately. I have been sitting on my hands when it comes to planting. I am so afraid of our traditional "Easter snap" for anything tender. Great time for cleaning and working on shade structures - my goal for 2012.

  2. Well, February has been one big 40 degree day, TG! If we were cold, it was very cold, but mostly it has been cool. It has been very weird. Hopefully I'll be able to get a lot done well The Herbal Husband is away! Thanks as always for stopping by!

  3. catch up? I am always catching up, well actually it never really happens. About the time I am about to do that it gets hot and I am done for..........roll on Spring an early start would be nice

  4. Just have to do a bit at a time, BW! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. We started a very modest herb garden last year, which we hope to expand this. I love being able to add freshly snipped herbs to my cooking.

  6. My first day off in a while where I can do as I please. Having got all excited at the prospects of spending the day in the garden it dark and grey and threatening rain. :+(

    So at best im going to get an hour in the greenhouse max. So I think I will spend the day, like you thinking about re-designing my front garden which I might convert inito a herb garden. I am limited as the main structures are there but anyway I will watch out for the progress of yours with great interest. Have a good day
    Jayne x

  7. You are right on target to get started with the big jobs as this month will go fast and then all the plants will be going / growing as well. I like spring. A LOT

  8. Very modest is a good start, Tracey. Hope I can give you some ideas to keep it growing even across the pond.

    Hi Jayne, I remember days off as being very good. I really want to do our front garden over as well. Will probably call in the bigger guns for that because I want to do some brickwork and I'm not good at that. Hope I can give you some inspiration. x Nancy

    Hi Mimi, Yes, each year the year goes by so fast and the list of dos I had at the beginning seems to be the same. Going to change that this year.

    Thanks ladies for stopping by.

  9. I'm counting the days until spring too, Nancy!

    Can't wait to see your new gardens!

  10. Hopefully, it will all come together, Sharon. Thanks for stopping by!

  11. I worked my way down to this post and loved every minute! Your garden will be wonderful this year as every year!

  12. Thanks Bernideen! Trying to come up with some good ideas!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady