
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Harvest Time in June-uary!!

Hard to imagine that we harvested some vegetables on the last day of January 2012!  We dug a few purple and gold potatoes, a couple of beets and some cress.  Pretty good for January.  We also got some perennials cut down and the epasote that has seeded around.  Some of the plants are looking good like the 'Berggarten' sage and the 'Provence' lavenders.

And look what we found starting to bloom.  A dandelion!
Saw the 14 day forecast and we aren't cold through mid February!  It's a little scary.  Really need a break during the winter to recharge the gardening battery!  Got my walk in. That's the good news don't have to battle snow and ice to stay fit.  Always enjoy being out with nature.  Hope you are having a great day or evening wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. This weather is so unbelievable!

  2. Isn't it the truth, Peggy? Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Nice to be able to have some harvest and see a dandelion:) Weird though! I think I read we are suppose to have a dry spring, which would be sooooo unusual! big hugs xxx

  4. I love Dandelions. I cant say why except that they are so cheerful. Just as pretty as a mum and edible greens. So why all the fuss when people see thema growing. In fact, I think this year I will collect some and grow some and to heck with it. Up to now I have let them bloom where they grow and pull them up when they go to seed. That way they don't spread, but changed my mind, this year I will encourage them.
    Wish we had not got the snow, I was sooooo ready for Spring

  5. I can't believe that I was out working in the garden in January! I need a break! LOL! Now it's snowing today like it should be! Thanks as always for stopping by Leslie! xxoo Nancy

    Hi Janice,

    Thanks for stopping by my herb garden. I'm ready for spring as well and thought it might be coming, but today we have a bit of snow and wind chills in the single digits or below. Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady