
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Well, I Spoke Too Soon! Typical!

You know how I was whining the other day that we didn't have snow!  Well, here it is.  Not much to call snow, but I was getting worried that February was going to come and go without snow!  Gosh this "winter" is flying by!  I'm trying to get my latest post for The Herb Companion ready so I need to run.  I need to work on some tea blends.  Still a lot to do!  Hope you are having a great day or evening wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. We got snow last night too. I actually enjoy it so I was happy. It's about all melted already so it was a short lived experience :0)

  2. I think ours may be as well. We are supposed to be in the 50's again next week! It is really wacky!

  3. I am covered in snow too. I have not even started my garden seeds yet. I have a feeling I am in for an extended winter.

  4. Hey, Missy, nice to hear from you again! We just haven't had much winter at all. We're going to get a blast this weekend. I have to come by! xxoo Nancy

  5. We are to get some snow over the weekend. I can't really complain since we are 13" below normal!

  6. I agree Peggy. We are below normal as well! Take care.

  7. It was a pretty little snowfall here as well. It's gone already... and a delicate dusting happened last night. It's a crazy winter when you compare it to the pounding we had last year!

  8. We are getting snow as I speak Rosemary. I'll send some your way. :)


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Lemon Verbena Lady