
Monday, March 5, 2012

Another Favorite Catalog Arrived!

Some catalogs I don't receive every year if I don't buy anything from it.  Logee's is one of those catalogs.  They specialize in fruiting, rare and tropical plants.  I think I got a $25 gift certificate one year that I was a master gardener.  A great gift.  Logee's is a gem of a nursery in Danielson, Connecticut.  I was there 13 years ago with my herbal companion, Bonnie when we went on a Rosemary House bus trip.  Really if you get the chance to visit them, do it.  If you can't visit, you can order plants and enjoy exotic plants in your garden or house.  You can order your own catalog and they even have an e-mail newsletter.

Getting adjusted to life without The Herbal Husband.  Was chasing cats out of the bushes today.  Two cats sitting in the rhododendrons near the bird feeder in the front.  I can't make this stuff up!  Had five inches of snow this weekend.  Supposed to be 60 degrees by Wednesday. Hope you are having a good day.  My thoughts and prayers are with those who lost their homes and memories in the latest tornadoes!  Talk to you later.


  1. so that's what you have been up to! lol! cat wrangling, ha! we got snow this weekend too. just a couple inches and we are suppose to go up to 60 degrees too this week! crazy! xx

  2. Now I know what The Herbal Husband has been up to, Leslie! They are keeping me busy! xxoo Nancy

  3. Keeping an eye on the house critters is definitely a full time job! They are like perpetual 2 year-olds - always up to something:o)

    Crazy winter - now we are finally getting the snow that usually arrives in December and January...
    wondering what the summer will bring??

  4. These critters are feral and I wish they weren't around. I just had to dig up cat poop! We were trying orange peels to keep them from pooping. I guess I need to come up with something new or refresh the peels more often. We just had snow cover and I think the scent went away. Thanks for stopping by TO!

  5. Oops I didn't see your second comment TO. I just don't know what the summer will bring. Insects are flying already and we haven't really hit a consistent warm period! When we do, it may be terrible!xxoo Nancy

  6. Only wish I could see the cats so I could wrangle them, I just find what they leave in the garden. Ick!

    Thanks for reminding me about Logee's, just went and ordered their catalog.

    Don't work too hard!

  7. I just keep chasing TG! I have found something that seems to work with keeping them from crapping and I will share it maybe today. Got to go take a photo of my solution. Thanks as always for stopping by.


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Lemon Verbena Lady