
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I Think I Have Found a Solution!

I apologize for not being around much.  I have found that moving the laptop to the TV is not conducive to my working on my blog.  So back to the dining room table I will go.  Too many distractions with the TV going.  You say how can that be when there isn't anything on TV, Lemon Verbena Lady? Well, we are getting down to the hockey playoffs and since Pitt was a bust in college basketball, I have nothing to watch there.  So I have been living and breathing hockey.  Don't want to jink the team, but they are playing very well at the moment.  I'll leave it at that.  I actually watched NHL:36 about James Neal TWICE!  How crazy is that?  Well, I really do get the easy end of the deal when The Herbal Husband is home.  Soo I have been a little crazy trying to get everyday tasks done.  It rains.  I can't feed the birds.  I started working out in the garden over the weekend.

Oh, almost forgot to talk about the photo.  Found a remedy for the cats pooping in the garden.  My master gardening friend, Shelley told me that cats don't like the smell of orange.  Easy enough.  Except for a time when we had snow cover and it melted and I didn't get out there with a new orange peel.:(  It has worked since then!  I just eat an orange a day and tear up the peel.  I think I will start replacing some of the old peel with new bits.  Try it if you are having the problem.  I also read that used coffee grounds works as well.  If this weren't working so well, I would go on over to Starbucks and load up!  So some of you may be waiting for the herb list and once I get situated back in the dining room I will give you a list.  The weather is too warm here at at the moment.  I'll talk to you later.


  1. Nice to see you posting again! Will have to try the orange peelings here!

  2. I had not heard of the orange peel trick and will try it. Not the coffee grounds though, since I put coffee grounds under our blueberries to acidify the soil there.

  3. I can get sucked up by the History Channel, Animal Planet or Create! lol! We were around 75 degrees today! Grandson Evan came over and we got the side garden raked out and I was shocked at how much was growing under that leaf pile! We had an entire truck load of leaves in just that one garden! Talk to you soon! Love, Leslie

  4. Orange peels, huh? Interesting...wonder if they would work on keeping creepy, slithery things out of my gardens???

    Sending more warm weather your way...supposed to be in the 70's tomorrow...really unusual for March in the Northwoods.

  5. Yes ladies the bad bugs are flying already! It looks like a bad year for them. Glad you have some help with the gardening Leslie. Try it TO. I'm not sure that it will work.:) Thanks for stopping by!

  6. My granddaddy told me the secret is to grind up some monkshood seeds and mix it into some Fancy Feast. Leave the can in the garden. He says cats don't like the sour taste of the seeds so they never came back. I guess that means it worked. Who knew grandpa was so smart? :)


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady