
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy in the Garage, Herbally Speaking!

My peppermint scented geranium is huge and happily blooming in the garage!   The Herbal Husband is anxious to get his car back in the garage.  So he is asking every day whether he can put the plants outside!  NO!  We are so up and down temperature wise and he really knows better, but we go through the same rituals every year.  Hope you are having a great day.  I'm going out to mow the grass.  Working on the great garlic chive removal.  Will talk about that in more detail maybe tomorrow.  Talk to you later.


  1. I'm living dangerously and moving everything outside this week. I do have quick cover up plans just in case ;0)

  2. We can't yet Carol. We are still going into the 30's and 40's. Still not warm enough! Wishful thinking. Good luck! Hope it goes well.

  3. I'm getting complaints about the seed trays on every available windowsill, lol.

  4. Yes, it can be an issue, Tracey. Thanks for stopping by.


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Lemon Verbena Lady