
Friday, April 20, 2012

Wait Until You See This, Herbally Speaking

 I was going to complain about the "New" Blogger, but what's the use!  They are just going to keep changing so I'll just go with it.  No, the photo you see isn't on its side.  The plant (a sweet lavender) is growing towards the light in the garage so it is on its side and from experience, it will stay pretty much like this even when it goes back outside.  I thought it might straighten up.  After so many days in the 70's and 80's including yesterday and today, you would think we are on our way to summer, but we will be back in the 50's and 30's at night by tomorrow.  March wasn't March and April is sort of like April but not quite.  Got to go water the seedlings and plants.  It may reach 80 degrees later today.  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. Hi Nancy, I enjoyed my visit admiring your herbs. I also got your recipe for herbal jelly. I used to make jelly a lot, but haven't done so lately. I always wanted to make blue jelly out of dandelions, maybe one day I'll get around to it!
    Have a good week-end,

  2. The weather here has cooled off too so I'm waiting a little bit longer to put things out :(

  3. We have gone back to cold weather also. That lavender looks so funny:) I made the switch to the new blogger and was delighted I could keep my old template! I thought for sure it would mean loosing all my lovely side content and bee background! I still thought the old way was easier, but as you say, what's the use, they will change things no matter what I say! I have been disturbed thought that I seem to be more vulnerable to weird things, computer wise since the switch.. i was checking my stats and kept seeing some antivirus was repeatedly looking at my site. don't click it to check it if you see if nancy! 'nuff said as it is porn! i NEVER ever have had this sort of thing happen before i made the switch to their new blogger thing! grrrrr!!!!

  4. Thanks Dorothy for stopping by. I just loved your owl. They are so wise.

    Yeah, I know Carol. All of the plants are starting to get bugs and diseases because they have had to stay inside too long and they are predicting SNOW on Wednesday! WHAT! It is just a mess! Thanks for stopping as always.

    Yes, CC, there are porn sites lurking around us! It is creepy that something like that would be interested in my little blog or yours. Don't like it.

    Hope you ladies all have a great weekend! xxoo Nancy

  5. Your sweet lavender is truly growing toward the light.

  6. Very appropriate Terra! It is a bit desperate but we are supposed to have snow on Wednesday! Up and down like a roller coaster! Thanks for stopping by as always Terra!

  7. I don't like it either Nancy. It makes me creeped out and nervous!

  8. I know not thinking about it will not make it go away, but I'm going to regress and do that! xxoo Nancy

  9. I'm so glad I moved just far enough south that I don't have to worry about plants freezing. Mine have all been outside for weeks. No frost worries, although I could use another 20 degrees just for comfort. No matter, it is Spring; I love it. BTW, Happy Earth Day tomorrow.

  10. Thanks Carol for stopping by. Yes, you're lucky! Love that rosemary of yours! Take care. Happy Earth Day to you!


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Lemon Verbena Lady