
Monday, May 7, 2012

The First Herb Plants of the Season!

Seriously, don't you love this time of year?  Really I'm excited about what is happening in the garden, but it is at warp speed this year.  We have been so warm that everything is blooming early.  I don't always pay attention to what's going on in the front garden and I almost missed the rugosa blooming away!  Since the rose is the herb of the year, I should be talking about roses more.  For another post.

Well, these new herbal kids are from Kathleen Gips' lovely Village Herb Shop in Chagrin Falls, Ohio.  These are all from Mulberry Creek Herb Farm out in Huron, Ohio.  I got several scented geraniums, a couple of rues, a couple of thymes, some 'lemon gem' marigolds and several lavenders.  I'll show you where I'm going to plant them in the garden later.  My herbal companion, Bonnie and I had a fun day having a tea experience and shopping at Kathleen's.   Two of our favorite things to do.

I have a lot of space (sort of) with the garlic chives out of the herb garden.  I found three dead lavender plants while I was taking out the garlic chives!  So I have lots to talk about and will do it in upcoming posts.  Just remind me if there is a subject that I forgot to writing about!  Getting old and forgetful!  I forgot which herb is most helpful!  Is that ginko?  Going to work on the garden before it storms.  I just yawned.  I got my walk in early which is a good thing but sometimes I need that extra sleep!  Forgot to mention that I've added a new little feature on the right hand column showing you the progress of my lemon verbena that's coming back from the ground.  I smelled its little leaves yesterday and it just has the most wonderful lemon smell.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. Even with our mild winter, my lavenders are always in frustrating, but I just keep buying new ones each spring.
    Must be off to the greenhouses soon - but because of extensive travel plans again this summer, the gardens will be restricted...will hard to keep myself in check.

  2. Most lavenders do well here no matter the winter as long as they are dry - then they just rot in place.

    Catching up on your postings, been super busy on projects in the loft garden. Just wanted to comment on the peppermint geranium - I have never seen any geranium that big. I bet it is a wonderful thing to brush by.

    Congrats on the new bug... quite a few of our neighbors have vw's and I love how energy efficient they are. You will make up for my gas drinking jeep.

    So happy you had a mild winter this year. Not any winter here this year, thankfully, but the heat has brought humidity this year and some occasional showers, wahoo!

  3. I know what you mean about everything being so early this year.....I myself feel like I'm way behind because of this :0) wanted to work outside today but it's raining so I'm going plant shopping instead :0)

  4. UGH! I typed out this big response to you three and it gave me an error message when I went to publish it! I really appreciate you three stopping by! I know how a garden is with traveling not too much fun, TO. The geranium, bug and weather are great, Cindy and yes, Carol, I'm totally confused by the weather which I think is about two weeks at least ahead of last year. I hope this publishes this time! xxoo Nancy


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady