Friday, May 4, 2012

The First Herbal Move!

The kids went outside yesterday for the first time this year.  The figs have been suffering because of the lack of light.  They start to drop their leaves like they are going dormant.  One of the figs has not produced one single fig.  It was told yesterday that it had better start producing or else it will be planted in the ground and probably won't produce at all!  One plant has about 20 figs on it already and hopefully they will mature.  Sometimes they drop off like a June drop kind of thing that fruit trees do.  There is that sideways lavender.  Sorta of looks like an herbal bonsai from here.  I wanted to show you a full length photo of the peppermint scented geranium.  It's an herbal monster and smells so good and has many flowers.
Well, I finally got most of the lawn mowed.  We have been having enough rain that it has made it tricky to get out and mow.  Going to Chagrin Falls tomorrow for tea.   Going to finish mowing on Sunday and getting back to getting the garlic chives out of my garden.  Hopefully I will have some new herbs to plant tomorrow.  Hope you had a great day.  Talk to you later.


Carol said...

I move my potted plants out today too. Suddenly the office looks huge!!!

Faith said...

Chagrin Fall? Ohio? Are we in the same neck of the woods? :)

I found 2 Lemon Verbena plants, I potted them so I can bring them in, NE Ohio winters are not favorable, this year might have been the exception.

Faith said...

I was looking for scented geranium, and didn't find any. Is this an herb which is usually found in the garden centers?

Lemon Verbena Lady said...

Yeah, Carol. I got the "laundry room" back or the space where the washer and dryer live. Does that mean I have to now start doing laundry again? I guess it does! Hope the weather keeps going up at night. It is quite warm to hot during the day. More like July in the daytime, but we could still have a 30 something degree night and that's what has me watching the long range temperature trends. Thanks as always for stopping by.

Hi Faith, I have to drive 2 hours to get to Chagrin Falls so I'm not really near but the Village Herb Shop has some fantastic herbs usually. I live near Pittsburgh, PA. Scented geraniums are not a typical garden center find. I'll check on what scented geraniums Kathleen has in Chagrin Falls and can e-mail you. You may be also near Mulberry Creek Herb Farm in Huron, Ohio or near Cedar Point. They have a fantastic selection of herbs especially scented geraniums. One other name I will throw out is Lily of the Valley which was sold but the former owners are selling plants through Beech Creek Botanical Garden in Alliance, Ohio. Just Google Lily of the Valley and you'll find the website for Beech Creek. Feel free to e-mail me and I will e-mail you with what I find tomorrow at The Village Herb Shop in Chagrin.

Lemon Verbena Lady said...

P.S. I brought two lemon verbenas in this winter and they both held their leaves which isn't usual and they will go back out in the garden soon. The Herbal Husband is getting anxious to put them in the ground. Thanks for your comments.

Casa Mariposa said...

I have never seen a geranium that big!! WOW! If you cut back the lavender, it will grow bushy and upright.

Lemon Verbena Lady said...

Yes, we grow them big in PA, CM! We have the do not prune policy here! Can you convince The Herbal Husband that it's OK do that? I don't think it will fly! It's OK. We always have something unusual every year! Thanks for stopping by!

source said...

would you like to trade some fig tree cuttings? They root very easy and I have several great varieties. Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you.