
Friday, May 18, 2012

Guest Blogging for The Herb Companion Magazine!

We are having just gorgeous weather to go and buy herb plants at herb farms across the country.  I have done two posts with a list of herb farms throughout the U.S.  Not every state unfortunately, but maybe you have a favorite that I missed.  Please let me know.   The photo above is from Stream Cliff Herb Farm in Cominsky, Indiana.  I was lucky enough to visit the year the International Master Gardener Conference was in Cincinnati, OH.  This is the first part called Herb Farms A-Z:  Finding Farms that Sell Herb Plants-Part One.

The second part of the post was published today and funny it is called Herb Farms A-Z:  Finding Farms that Sell Herb Plants-Part Two.  This is one of my favorite places to visit in Chagrin Falls, OH and it's called The Village Herb Shop.  Kathleen Gips, the owner, sells herbs from Mulberry Creek Herb Farm and I forget the other herbs she sells.  Her gardens are tended by her customers in classes throughout the season.  They always look great each year.  Got to run.  We mowed and planted new plants.  It's looking good.  I am an herb plunker and I can't change!  Just wanted to add  to the Pennsylvania list, a local herbalist, Joanie Lapic from Everlasting Gardener that she has herbs for sale as well.  The Everlasting Gardener is located in New Brighton, PA.  So if you are in the Pittsburgh area, check out the Everlasting Gardener.  I think I can feel a PA road trip coming soon!  Hope you have had a great day.  Talk to you later. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi, Nancy - I've been enjoying your posts. I have many Herb plants for sale and I have a large teaching garden FULL of Herbs through which to tour people. I am also on blogger and invite you to see the list of our Herb plants for sale, read some of my articles, etc.
    My Herb gardens are located in New Brighton, Pennsylvania.
    You've done a great job of listing Herb farms around the USA!
    Best regards.
    Joanie (Everlasting Gardener)

  3. I love your posts. Thanks for posting on my blog and sending us prayers. They are very much appreciated.

  4. Sorry Joanie. Hopefully I have made up for not listing you previously! Hope to come for a visit soon.

    Well Peggy, I remember when I was moving my mom from one facility to another and getting calls in the middle of the night etc. Take care of yourself because you have to to stay strong for Norm. Hopefully he will get much better now that he has a new valve! xxoo Nancy

  5. I want to visit every one of those herb farms. Sometime soon I will be in Indiana, so you know where I'll be heading.

    Yes, you KNOW how much I love Kathleen's herb store and gardens in Chagrin Falls. And, I love picturesque Chagrin Falls. Jeff and I loved visiting there and Kathy is the greatest hostess.

    Sending herbal love to you,


  6. Thanks Sharon. Looking forward to that new birdie book of yours! Thanks for stopping by.

  7. I think I can feel a PA road trip coming soon! Hope you have had a great day. Talk to you later. Trees For Sale


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Lemon Verbena Lady