
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Favorite Herb Magazine and A Giveaway for You!

Here is the latest issue of The Herb Companion magazine.  I'm in it!  They reblogged a couple of posts I did and called it 4 Reasons to Love Lemon Verbena.   This issue has a very nice article about the lavender book I just reviewed for Timber Press and other interesting recipes and articles.  Sooo here is your chance to win a copy.  I have six (not five or ten) extra issues.  Even if you are some place other than the US, you can win!  So leave me a comment here or on Facebook.  The only exception is if you already subscribe to The Herb Companion.  I would like to give the issues to nonsubscribers, please.  This contest is going to be quick.  It will end on Friday, June 1st at 10:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time.  Good Luck!   It has been hotter than Hades here.  We just had a big thunderstorm although it didn't cool it off much.  Hope you have had a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. How neat that you are in this magazine. You should be though.

    I'm going to have to see if I can get some lemon verbena locally.

    I'd be happy to be a winner and I do not subscribe to this magazine, but do check them out online.

    Enjoy your week ~ FlowerLady

  2. Hi

    I love the smell of verbena and was searching about it when i came across your blog. Wow i have been inspired and you have given me a few ideas with what to do with my garden. I love herbs.

  3. ooh ooh ooh my hands up, waving high pick me pick me - GRIN.

    If I win will you autograph it for me?

    Love Leanne

  4. Congrats! You're so talented! Sign me up, love that magazine but don't subscribe anymore.

  5. How neat your Lemon Verbena article is in this mag; I don't subscribe so sign me up for the opp to win.
    Lavender Lover's Handbook looks dream worthy, by the way.

  6. I love that you are in that magazine! Like someone else said "Pick me! Pick me!"


  7. An awesome giveaway! I love this magazine and have a small collection of past issues. Great job on being published in it! I hope to subscribe once I have my own place, but that's rather far off, so at the moment I only get issues sporadically. Sign me up for the giveaway!

  8. Congrats! Very neat your article is in it. I am not a subscriber and would love to read the magazine.

  9. How cool is that!?! Somehow I managed to let y subscription expire so I would love the chance to win this one!!!

  10. Thank you Lemon Verbena Lady, I just love this magazine. I buy it when I get to Tractor Supply. I just planted some lemon verbena last week and then had to go out and cover it to protect from hail. It came through just fine! I enjoy your blog, keep up the good work!!! Great people are gardening people!!!!

  11. Congrats on being published. I'd love to win a copy of Herb Companion magazine.

  12. I have put my lucky pants on! Would love to win this, don't subscribe yet...! Congrats on being in the mag, it's a great feeling isn't it?

    What's this about a new lavender book, can we get it in the UK, you know how I feel about Lavender and lemon verbena ::swoons:: Off to check amazon uk now lol! Simon will be having words with you hehe!

    Much love & herby hugs - Debs xxx

  13. I was delighted to see your picture and article in my copy of the Herb Companion! Don't pick me since I have one, but I just wanted to congratulate you on your appearance in the magazine!!

  14. I usually pick up a copy when I go to Barnes and Nobles. I can't wait to read this one with you lemon verbena ideas:) big hugs to you Nancy!! xxx Haven't been blogging for two weeks as been very, very busy sprucing up Comfrey Cottages. blog with pictures soon:)

  15. This is a very wonderful offer. I would be most happy to win the magazine. Your blog is helpful and quite beautiful. Have a great day.


  16. I just found your blog and have made it a FAVORITE! It is so helpful, educational, fun, SO beautiful and peaceful - perfect to read in the early dawn morning while drinking my first cup of coffee. This giveaway is so generous of you. Not a subscriber of Herb Companion BUT if I win and love the magazine, I'll surely subscribe.

  17. Love to get the magazine!

    shankyouverymuch11 at yahoo dot com

  18. I love this magazine! I keep telling myself I will subscribe to it and just haven't done it. Congratulations on the articles.

    sprague_zero zero one@msn dot com

  19. WOW!! What a Nice and useful information i have visit and i am very impressed by all of you and hope you will be update us..
    Thank you for post..


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady